To share the powerful stories of what God is doing locally & globally through film. Captivate unbelievers with the love of God. Bring hope to the hopeless.
- “It is the goodness of God that leads men to repentance.”
His Loving kindness & Steadfast Love
Seeing The Gospel Lived Out
The Holy Spirit is alive and active in the world today. Signs, wonders and miracles are alive in the world today. Hope and deliverance for all people is available to the world today. The Gospel is alive and we are finding its very heartbeat and purpose being walked out through believers around the world.
Lives are being transformed and redeemed. We are searching locally, nationally and globally to document these stories in powerful cinematic ways to bring the truth and power of the Gospel to people all over the world.
Both locally and globally, out aim is to unify the church, bring hope to the broken, see people set free by the gospel.
Our goal is to show these amazing moves of God through the powerful storytelling capacity of film.
Mark 16:17-18: “And these signs will accompany those who believe; In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues’ they will pick up snakes with their hands’ and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”
A long format 40 min Episode docuseries
(3 Episodes)
Both locally and globally, out aim is to unify the church, bring hope to the broken, see people set free by the gospel.
A short format 10 min Episode docuseries
(10 Episodes)
Lives are being transformed and redeemed. We are searching locally, nationally and globally to document these stories in powerful cinematic ways to bring the truth and power of the Gospel to people all over the world.
See Example:
Questions We Hope To Tackle:
Why do you believe?
What experiences have convinced you this is true?
What is God like? How does he speak?
What is prayer? What does it do?
Have you every experienced a miracle?
What is the purpose of life?
What does it mean to be a Christian?
What do you do when God feels far away?
Do you struggle with your faith?
How do you handle unanswered prayer?
What were you before you where a christian? (Atheist, Unbeliever, Buddhist, etc)